Hawaii Orbs


Submitted by a lady in Hawaii - here is her story.

Myself and my children moved into this vacant home one year ago, it had not been lived in since the owner's son had died in it 4 years ago. My health has determinate in this last year drastically. I noticed lights on and doors would be open when we would arrive home at first after making sure they were off and closed before leaving. In the last week I have heard bangs under the house, scratching at the top of the doors, knocking on my headboard and have been afraid to sleep in my bed and the children also afraid. We have seen what they call shadow people, and I heard unearthly human grunt groan from the bedroom. My mother and I decided to do a house cleansing ritual but before we did we decided to take pictures to see if anything would show up. The pictures are of the only rooms that had these ORBS the other rooms didn't at that time. The bedroom pics that look similar were taken about 1 hour apart but I emailed the pics to my mom so I could pull them up at my mom's home when I got there, there were hundreds of all different size ORBS which are hard to see on this image but clear on the original pic and also still on the camera.. After seeing these pics I grabbed the kids up off the sofa and left everything. The feelings I have been feeling were very negative and not at all positive


TAPIS:  Its great when our website reaches our USA Neighbours!  But when you have 'hundreds' of orbs, its usually falls into the the natural orb phenomenon.  Usually the flash off of digital cameras reflect off of dust in the room, or in this case, humidity.  Thanks for the photos!


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